Déclaration de Protection des Données disponible uniquement en : ALLEMAND et ANGLAIS

In this Privacy Policy, we, SRV Rohholzvermarktung AG (hereinafter SRVAG, we or us), explain how we collect and process personal data. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable person.

Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and Swiss data protection provisions (Data Protection Act, DPA), every individual has the right to privacy and protection from misuse of his or her personal data. We, as operators of this website, take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with statutory data protection regulations as well as this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is aligned with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Although the GDPR is a European Union (EU) regulation, it is also relevant to us. The Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA) is heavily influenced by EU law and companies outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA) must comply with the GDPR under certain circumstances. We have therefore aligned this Privacy Policy with their standard.

Legal basis
The EU General Data Protection Regulation serves the right to the protection of personal data. We process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal regulations (EU GDPR).

2. Basic information
2.1. The data controller responsible for the processing of your data

SRV Schweizer Rohholzvermarktung AG
Steinhauserstrasse 74, CH-6300 ZUG

Phone: +41 (0) 41 500 06 18
Email: office@srvag.ch

Managing Directors: Peter Naverschnig | Christoph Wiesflecker

2.2. We value the protection and safe storage of all personal data you entrust us with. In this document you will learn more about how your personal data is used and processed.

2.3. Due to the GDPR, which has been effective since 28 May 2018, we hereby inform you that we process the following personal data at our company SRV Rohholzvermarktung AG:

  • Name/company
  • Profession/job title
  • Commercial register number
  • Contact person
  • Company address or other addresses of the supplier/customer
  • Contact details (telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.)
  • Bank details
  • Order data
  • VAT ID numbers
  • Customer enquiries
  • FSC/PEFC certification

We process the personal data you have voluntarily provided us with exclusively for the exchange of information, contact maintenance and project management. The data is not used for any other purpose, nor is it passed on to third parties.

The data you have provided us with is furthermore necessary for the fulfilment of the contract and the execution of precontractual measures. Without this data, we are unable to enter into a contract with you.

We store your data within the framework of the statutory requirement to retain records.

You can revoke this consent in writing at any time. Revocation will result in your data no longer being processed for the purposes listed above from that point in time. In the case of revocation, please contact Mr Peter Naverschnig or Mr Christoph Wiesflecker.

Information on statutory rights:
In principle, you have the right to information, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and objection. In these cases, please contact us. Should you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection laws or your data protection rights have been compromised in any other way, you are entitled to complain to the relevant supervisory authority.

3. Purpose limitation, legal basis, duration of storage and data recipients
3.1. In principle, you can visit our website and view and read the content without providing any personal data. Should you contact us via the contact information offered on our website [e.g. e-mail, telephone or fax], the data you provide will be stored with us for a period of six months for the purpose of processing the enquiry and in case there are any subsequent enquiries. We do not pass on your personal data without your consent, but cannot rule out that this data may be viewed by means of unlawful conduct. The personal data we collect is required for fulfilment of contract, for billing and for customer service purposes. For this the data is collected, stored, processed and used.

3.2. We process the personal data we receive from you [e-mail address, name, address, telephone number, fax number] as is necessary for the duration of the entire business relationship (from initiation, processing until the end of the contract). In addition, according to the legal safekeeping and documentation obligations, also to the end of any legal dispute, on-going periods of warranty and guarantee, etc.

If you send us your personal data by e-mail – and not via this website – we cannot guarantee safe transmission and protection of your data. A seamless protection of data against access by third parties is not possible. We recommend that you never transmit confidential data unencrypted by e-mail.

3.3. The legal bases for the processing of your personal data are twofold: firstly, the fulfilment of contract, legitimate interests, the fulfilment of our legal and contractual obligations and, secondly: your consent. Non-provision of data can have a variety of consequences; for example, we cannot guarantee fulfilment of contract due to this.

3.4. Data processing is carried out based on the legal provisions of Article 6 GDPR (especially consent and/or necessity of contract fulfilment).

4. Automatic data storage
4.1. When you visit our website, our web server (computer/server on which this website is stored) automatically stores data, known as web server logfiles. These contain the following data and information:

  • the page accessed (URL);
  • the browser or browser version;
  • the operating system used;
  • referrer URL (the previous page accessed);
  • host name and IP address of accessing computer;
  • the time of server request;

These collected IP addresses, which also fall under personal data, are immediately pseudonymised. This means that only a rough localisation of the visitor to our website is possible. We do not use this data and generally do not pass it on, but we cannot rule out the possibility that this data may be viewed by means of unlawful conduct.

4.2. These web server logfiles are created for reasons of operational security, to create access statistics, etc. These logfiles are saved for two weeks and are then automatically deleted. Furthermore, error logfiles are also compiled, which are helpful for finding errors. These are also automatically deleted after two weeks.

4.3. This website is hosted externally. The personal data collected on this website are stored on the hoster’s servers. This information is primarily IP addresses, contact requests, meta and communication data, contract data, contact details, names, instances of website access, and other data generated via a website. Our hoster will only process your data to the extent necessary to fulfil its service obligations and will follow our instructions regarding these data.

For this reason, we have concluded a data processing agreement (DPA) for the use of the above-mentioned service. This is a contract required by data protection laws, which ensures that the provider of the service will only process the personal data of our website visitors in accordance with our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

We use the following hoster:

World4You Internet Services GmbH
Hafenstraße 35, 4020 Linz, Österreich

5. Cookies
5.1. Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small pieces of text information, which make recognition of the user and an analysis of their use of our website possible. The information thus created is transferred to the server of the provider and stored there. Cookies are also used to measure the frequency of page views and for general navigation. Cookies do not harm your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies are there to make our offer user-friendlier, more effective and safer. Most of the cookies we use are known as “session cookies”. They are automatically deleted at the end of your visit. Other cookies remain stored on your end device until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognise your browser on your next visit. You can set your browser so that you are informed when cookies are placed and only allow cookies in individual cases, accept cookies for certain cases or generally exclude them or activate automatic deletion of cookies when the browser is shut down. Deactivation of cookies can lead to limited functioning of this website.

5.2. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies with the appropriate browser settings. Please read your browser handbook to find out how to do this. Deactivation of cookies can lead to limited functioning of our website.

5.3. To manage the cookies and similar technologies used (tracking pixels, web beacons, etc.) and related consents, we use the consent tool “Real Cookie Banner”. Details on how “Real Cookie Banner” works can be found at https://devowl.io/knowledge-base/real-cookie-banner-data-processing.

The legal bases for the processing of personal data in this context are Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR and Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest is to manage the cookies and similar technologies used and the related consents.

The provision of personal data is neither contractually required nor necessary for the conclusion of a contract. You are not obligated to provide the personal data. If you do not provide the personal data, we will not be able to manage your consents.

5.4. WPML uses cookies to determine the current language of the visitor, the last visited language and the language of users who have logged in.

While you are using the plugin, WPML will share the data regarding the site via the installer. No data from the user itself will be shared in the process.

6. Consent and right of withdrawal
6.1. If your consent is required for the processing of your data, we will only process the information with your express consent.

6.2. In principle, we do not process data from minors, and are also not entitled to. Upon giving your consent you confirm that you are over 14 years old or have authorisation from your legal guardian.

6.3. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time at the following e-mail address: office@srvag.ch. In such a case, your data, which has already been stored, will be anonymised and continued to be used only for anonymous statistical purposes. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

7. Data security
7.1. We use technical and organisational security measures to protect the stored personal data from accidental or wilful manipulation, loss or destruction and against access by unauthorised persons. Our security measures are continuously being improved in line with technological developments.

8. Your rights
8.1. You have the right to information about your personal data from the controller “SRV Schweizer Rohholzvermarktung AG” at any time. Provided that no legal obligation exists to retain it, you have the right to the erasure of the data and to object to the processing thereof. You also have the right to the rectification of the data and limitation of processing, data portability and complaints to the data protection authority.

8.2. Concerning your rights, please contact us at “office@srvag.ch” or write to the postal address of the controller – see 2.1.

9. Fonts
Google Fonts
This site uses so-called Google Fonts, which are provided by Google, for the uniform display of fonts. The Google Fonts are installed locally (local hosting). A connection to Google servers does not take place.

9.2. Font Awesome
This site uses Font Awesome for the uniform display of fonts and symbols. The provider is Fonticons, Inc, 6 Porter Road Apartment 3R, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. When you access a page, your browser loads the required fonts into your browser cache in order to display texts, fonts and symbols correctly. For this purpose, the browser you use must connect to Font Awesome’s servers. As a result, Font Awesome learns that this website has been accessed via your IP address. Font Awesome is used on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in the uniform presentation of the typeface on our website. If a corresponding consent has been requested, the processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information in the user’s terminal device (e.g. device fingerprinting). Consent can be revoked at any time. If your browser does not support Font Awesome, a default font installed on your computer will be used. Further information about Font Awesome can be found in Font Awesome’s privacy policy at: https://fontawesome.com/privacy

10. Liability for content
10.1. SRV Schweizer Rohholzvermarktung AG as the author accepts no liability for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided on this website. Liability claims made against the author, which refer to damages of material or non-material nature, caused by use or disuse of the presented information or through the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded, unless it can be demonstrated that the author acted wilfully or was grossly negligent. Any liability in this respect, however, only incurs from the moment that knowledge of the specific breach of law is obtained. When we become aware of legal violations we will remove the content that is in violation of the law immediately.

10.2. All offers are subject to change and are non-binding. We expressly reserve the right to alter, amend or delete site content, in whole or in part, without special notification, or to suspend publication temporarily or permanently.

11. Liability for links
Our website includes links to external websites of third parties, where we have no influence on content. Due to this fact, we cannot accept liability for foreign content. The respective provider or operator of the websites shall always be responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked at the time the link was established for possible legal infringements and recognisable legal violations. Unlawful contents were not apparent at the time of linking. However, we cannot reasonably be expected to exercise permanent control over the content of the linked sites without any specific indications of infringement. As soon as we become aware of any legal violation we will remove such links immediately.

12. Copyright
12.1. The content and objects on these sites created by us as website operator (author) are subject to copyright. The reproduction, adaptation, distribution or any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written authorisation from the respective author and/or creator. Wherever content on this website has not been created by the operator, all copyrights from third parties will be noted. In particular, third-party content will be indicated as such. Nevertheless, if you should become aware of a copyright violation, we request that you notify us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of any legal violation we will remove such content immediately.

12.2. SRV Rohholzvermarktung AG endeavours to observe the copyrights of the images, graphics, audio files, videos and texts used in all its publications, to use their own images, graphics, audio files, videos and texts, or to use licence-free graphics, audio files, videos and texts.
All protected brand names and trademarks mentioned on the website and, where applicable, protected by third parties, are unrestrictedly subject to the terms of the respective valid trademark law and rights of ownership of the respective registered proprietors. The sole mentioning of a trademark on this website should not lead to the assumption that it is not protected by the rights of a third party!

The copyright for published material created by the author remains the sole property of the author of the pages. No images, audio files, videos or texts contained herein may be used or reproduced in any other electronic or printed publications without the express consent of the author.

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